On this day in 1949, communist revolutionary Mao Zedong proclaimed the existence of the People’s Republic of China after years of battling the Nationalist Chinese regime (backed by the U.S. government). The People’s Republic did battle with the U.S. during the Korean War (started in 1950), and the U.S. did not extend diplomatic recognition to communist China until 1972.

Kim Sunghee, of South Korea and China, made this natural dye Korean patchwork quilt between 1976-1999.  The quilt is part of the Michigan State University Museum collection. From this Quilt Index record: “Sunghee and fellow members of the group Dyetree create these and other naturally dyed silk and cotton textiles for decorative use and clothing, teaching each other new skills. The colors expressed by the dyer not only represent the conventions of the time, but also secret recipes and experiences, passed down through generations. Sunghee has earned three degrees in textile studies and has published a book on the colors of classic textiles.”

View this quilt on The Quilt Index to read more about its history, design and construction. Be sure to use the zoom tool for a detailed view.


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Posted by Amy E. Milne
Executive Director, Quilt Alliance