When quilters come together with us to celebrate their community’s history, we all come away inspired, with reignited creativity and excitement! The Quilt Alliance is now booking guilds and groups for 2018-2020 programming. We offer:

Lecture and full or half day Documentation Day events
Our lecture, titled No More Anonymous Quiltermakers, covers:
Quilt labeling
Quilt preservation
Documenting with photos
Video show and tell
Saving family and guild stories

Documentation Day: we work with you to design a productive full or half day for your group–recording videos with as many members as possible (consider charter members or key leaders that you might like to prioritize). We can also help you learn how to take over the job of documenting your members, your exhibitions, your quilt shows in the future.

Presentations are made by Quilt Alliance staff or experienced volunteer QA Ambassadors.

Download our FAQ’s and Pricing sheet.

What other low-cost or no-cost options does the Quilt Alliance offer groups?

Consider being a Story Collection Site. This could be an ongoing group project or a special event on National Quilting Day (March 17, 2018). This is a free to low cost way to invite your group members or quilt owners to join you in telling, recording and sharing quilt stories in your community. We provide a downloadable kit with instructions and marketing materials (downloadable for free, or mailed for cost of shipping), and you provide the space and the volunteers to record and upload videos. See our Go Tell It! DIY page for more info.